Our team of legal experts give you inside info on the legal world of cargo claims – from how to avoid losses and prevent cargo claims to taking pictures that can win a court case.
Global shipping delays 2021. It is anticipated that the congestion will continue to cause massive impact not just for certain ports, but also for surrounding ports as shippers continue to try to redirect cargo. Recoupex shares workable tactics and loss prevention measures on how to reduce the impact of excessive delays, potential cargo claims, and associated costs for importers and exporters globally. Most importantly to ensure all goods for the End of the Year Holiday arrive on time.
Guidelines for cargo claims handling and submission. Don’t just assume that if the importer suffered cargo loss or damage claim will be paid by the liable carrier. Often, when faced with a potential cargo claim, shippers and consignees feel daunted... With this guide, we simplify the claim process in seven easy steps! The truth is, only if shipper follow Recoupex guide, winning cargo claims will be much easier and faster.
Cargo Claim defence, if submitted after the 3 day period after delivery, is more difficult and takes more time, because the burden of proof is on the cargo interest to show how exactly damage happened and why the carrier is liable. In this article we share the Cargo damage claim letter Sample, so importers cargo be ahead of the cargo claim game every time.
Shippers struggle with high freight rates, port congestion, equipment shortage, and very few free days at the destination. Some exporters take exorbitant risks when transporting fresh produce, which leads to hefty losses and cargo damage. Recoupex shares how Cutting corners when shipping reefer cargo, poor Packaging, inadequate stowing, and overweight cargo lead to cargo damages and lost cargo claims due to the exporter’s fault.
Excessive delay to gate out the container from the port led to the entire cargo total loss requiring disposal, as well as incurring major demurrage and detention charges, both from the port authority as well as the shipping line who issued the erroneous freight invoice. How importer can prove carrier’s negligence and win a cargo claim?