Our team of legal experts give you inside info on the legal world of cargo claims – from how to avoid losses and prevent cargo claims to taking pictures that can win a court case.

August 4, 2023

Why Do I Have To Mitigate Cargo Loss?

Cargo loss mitigation is a critical principle in law, requiring parties who suffer losses to take reasonable action to minimize the extent of their losses. Whether you’re dealing with damaged […]
August 4, 2023

Best Pre-shipment Practices for Transporting Garlic in Reefer Containers. To prevent cargo claims.

Garlic stands as one of India’s most extensively exported commodities worldwide, found in virtually every kitchen. This blog post will outline the best pre-shipment practices for shipping garlic in reefer […]
July 28, 2023

Top Fruit Exports and How to Avoid Cargo Claims: Strawberries

Strawberries are always in high demand Exporting strawberries internationally presents a fantastic opportunity to expand your business and reach new customers worldwide. However, to ensure the success of your strawberry […]
July 28, 2023

5 Unforgivable Reefer Cargo Mistakes

Let’s uncover common yet avoidable mistakes that can lead to disastrous consequences in cargo claims.   Mistake 1: Ignoring Temperature Unit Conversion One of the most common errors made during […]
July 28, 2023

Cargo Theft in Transit: A Costly Cargo Claim

Cargo theft continues to be a significant challenge for the marine cargo, inflicting substantial losses on businesses in terms of revenue and damaged goods. As an importer, you may find […]