We empower you!

You need accurate, easy-to-digest legal information and legal resources to safeguard your business when cargo is damaged in transit, and you want to do it all with minimal stress and cost. Recoupex offers DIY-legal templates drafted by lawyers specifically for importers and exporters. Our job is to uncomplicate legal issues, making it clear and easy for you to plug into your business.

Whether you’re just starting out, here to dip your toe in cargo claims, or ready to set up all your legal needs, we’ve got you covered:

How to use Recoupex-legal templates


1. Identify your cargo damage

Almost all transit issues arise due to one out of four reasons: water, physical damage, damage to reefer cargo or cargo loss. What was the nature of damage for your cargo?

2. Download a legal template

The templates have been carefully drafted and is legally compliant to protect your interest. You can download a single template or a bundle. Save time, grow your business, and use a strategy that really works.
Eligible cargo claims

3. Customize the template

Fill in the gaps and make them all your own. Rather than spending hours writing and testing with a liable party, or even worse, paying lawyers hourly fees. With Recoupex Legal Help you can edit and share legal notices in a matter of minutes.
Recoupex helps you with cargo claims

4. Follow the action plan

Each week you’ll receive a defence, legal or business strategy on one topic to protect your business, such as cargo claims, marine insurance, negotiations etc. These step-by-step guides from Lina or an expert contributor are full of tips, tricks, and strategies that’ll make you raise a glass to your success.

Sign up to get weekly insights on how to ensure profitability of your cargo transportation business.