What does covid positive mean to the importer?
The same as for me.
The only difference is how you mitigate business mess when you are sick.
We had a claim when the importer tested positive covid and submitted claim the shipping line to waive demurrage for 60 days, for 5 reefer containers, quite a significant value!
The real key is to understand that covid is not always and not everywhere a force majeure.
Even if importer was the one man show and was not able to pick up containers timely at the terminal due to compulsory isolation, he still could mitigated loss extent, such as:
Inform shipping line timely and request time extension to pick up delivery when the isolation is over,
Do not wait for 60 days to pick up delivery, when isolation with covid is 14 days max.
Be active in communicating with shipping line at POD, provide evidence and request reasonable exceptions from the general rules.
While we are aware that Covid-19 has severely impacted the supply chains globally, shippers, willing to reduce demurrage costs imposed by shipping lines or to win these claims 100% will have to prove they were diligent, mitigated losses and are duly entitled to waive.